Healthy Habits



  • Sleep cycles are 1.5 hr in length. So sleep for 6, 7.5, or 9 hrs

  • Count backward from when you want to wake by those cycles to know when to go to sleep

  • Shut off electronics 1 hr before sleep to allow the brain to relax

  • Naps, if taken are either 15 min or 1.5 hrs to fit a cycle

  • Sleep on your side with a full body pillow for the most spinal support

  • White noise, cooler room, and socks can help fall asleep faster



  • Body Weight (lbs)/2 = ounces per day of water intake

  • More may be needed with increased intensive activity

  • 4% dehydration can lead to 40% reduction in cognition

  • Avoid drinkable sugars (soda, sports drinks, energy drinks)


  • Choose an exercise and intensity that you can maintain for 40 years

  • 1% Rule: be aware of a 1% change in the body so you don’t have to recover from a 40% injury

  • Burn + 2: complete an exercise until the muscle burns, then complete 2 more reps

  • Don’t get distracted by instructors or music, pay. attention to self in the midst of activity



  • Have lots of color on your plate. Diversity is King

  • Stop eating when you are no longer hungry. Don’t wait until full or stuffed

  • Eat often, even if just a few bites throughout the day

  • Food is Fuel, not flavor. It can have flavor but don’t seek sugars or salts, instead seek nutritional value to fuel your activity